JMoF Art Competition 2025

The 6th Annual Art Competition will be held at JMoF 2025!

Why not show the results of your passion and practice to the audience in the competition?

The theme this time is “POSSIBILITY”. So grab the drawing tools of your choice and show us how you express this theme in your own unique way!

No previous competition experience or artistic ability is required. We look forward to seeing your entry!

Event Outline

Submission Summary

In this competition we are looking for furry art that expresses the theme “POSSIBILITY”.


January 11th (Sat./Day 2) – 12th (Sun./Day 3), 2025


Artist Lounge (2F Kaede, Momiji)

Judging Method

Judging will be done via voting by JMoF 2024 attendees.

Voting Period

To be announced later.

Announcement of Results

To be announced later.


To be announced later.

Entry Information

Qualification Requirements

  • Your submission must be furry art and relate to the theme of the competition, “POSSIBILITY”.
  • Each contestant may submit only one entry. For a work by a group of multiple members, only its representatives (leading artist) will be counted.
  • Your submission must be original, new and unpublished.
  • Your submission must not contain any adult materials or what may infringe on the copyrights of third parties.

About the Usage of Image Generation AI

All furry-related creatures depicted in the submission must be drawn by the artist's own hand and without the use of image-generating AI. If you wish to submit a work that contains other elements created using image-generating AI, you must declare this at the time of submission. This information will be made public along with the work during the exhibition and voting process.

Submission Guidelines

  • The size of the work must be A4 (210 mm x 297 mm). Both portrait and landscape formats are allowed.
  • If the work is digital art, please print it out for submission.
  • The thickness of the paper or material must be 1 mm or less.
  • The work does not need to be framed beforehand. We will provide the frames.
  • Please write the artist’s name (handle) on the back of the work.

How to Apply

After you have completed the JMoF registration process, please bring your artwork to the reception desk in the Artists' Lounge during drop-off time. For details regarding drop off, see also “How to Drop Off Your Artwork” below.

Note: Due to the size of the exhibition venue, the number of available entry slots is limited. We ask you for your understanding.

At the time of submission, you will be asked to fill out a form with the information below and submit it along with your artwork.

  • Artist name (Japanese/English, 18 characters or less)
  • Title of the submitted piece (Japanese/English, 18 characters or less)
  • A phone number or email address where you can be reached during the event
  • Con-badge number of the (representative) artist
  • X (Twitter) ID (optional)
  • URL of your Pixiv user profile page (optional)
  • A full picture of your artwork
  • Info on whether image generation AI was used in the creation process or not
  • Whether or not you wish to sell your work (see below)

How to Drop Off Your Artwork

Drop-Off Time

To be announced later.


Artist Lounge Desk

The work must be delivered in person by the artist (or representative in the case of a collaborative work).

Note: drop-off by a person unaffiliated with the artwork will not be accepted.

How to Pick Up Your Artwork

Pick-Up Time

To be announced later.


Artist Lounge Desk

The work must be picked up in person by the artist (or the representative who delivered it, in the case of a collaborative work).

Note: the artwork will not be handed over to a person unaffiliated with the artwork.

Note: Works not picked up within the pick-up time period will be discarded. We hope you understand.


  • If the JMoF Executive Committee deems it inappropriate, such as a violation of public policy, we may reject your submission.
  • Registration for the contest will be closed as soon as the number of contestants reaches the limit, even if the registration for the contest is still open.
  • If the number of entries reaches the maximum limit at the time registration opens, a lottery will be held.
  • For security reasons, we do not accept submissions from, or hand over artwork to, individuals not associated with the artwork.
  • In order to protect the submitted work, we will ask the person who brings the work to the venue to do the framing of the work themselves.

Note: We will provide frames.

Selling/Purchasing Artwork

  • Artists may indicate that they are interested in selling their work in the contest registration form.


  • Voters can vote for the piece they want to buy, add a personal comment, the amount they want to bid, and their contact information.


  • After the voting, the artist is free to do business with the voter based on the purchase price offered and the contact information provided in the voting comment.



Note: It is highly recommended to complete the transaction in person during JMoF.

Note: The JMoF Executive Committee will not be involved in the process or outcome of any sales transaction between the artist and the voter, other than to provide the artist with the information submitted by the voter regarding the desired purchase price and contact information.